TDCJ #1487958
Beto Unit
1391 FM 3328
Tennessee Colony, TX 75880
Toxic Contaminated Water Alert at Eastham Unit (Lovelady, Texas)
Call For Action!
By Keith Malik Washington
Greetings sisters and brothers!
As man of you know South-East Texas was bombarded by Hurricane Harvey recently, and 500 prisoners located in Rosharon Texas were displaced because of flooding. C.T Terrell is very similar to Wallace Pack Unit in that they house prisoners who are predominantly elderly, infirm, and disabled.
Eastham Unit located in Lovelady, Texas was chosen to house the displaced prisoners. Many prisoners have read about or heard of the ongoing problems with Eastham’s water supply, but on Wednesday, August 30, 2017, they got a first hand look at what many Eastham prisoners have suffered through for years! Contaminated water!
It started out as strange debris floating in the water - then without warning, we were told the water was being shut off and the pumps had broke! The water pressure had dropped and historically when water pressure drops, high levels of bacteria enter the system and boil notices are issues! Shut off time was 12:30 p.m. Wednesday afternoon, Aug 30, 2017. Turned back on Wednesday night, 10:30 p.m. I am sending out a call for help and action! We need phone calls to be made to the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality employees:
Brian Buster - (936) 437-7285
Frank Inmon - (936) 437-7200 / (cell) (936) 577-4035
We need you to inquire and find out exactly what the problem is with the water system at Eastham Unit and demand answers (unit # is 936-636-7321) Safe and clean water is a Humyn Right! All power to the people!
-Comrade Malik
We Must Expose The Liars Who Operate Texas Prisons!
(We must not be silent)
By: Keith ‘Malik’ Washington
Chief Spokespersyn for:
End Prison Slavery in Texas (Movement)
Revolutionary Greetings Comrades and Free World Allies!
Many of you know that during slavery times in Amerika the “Massah” who lived inside “The Big House” could have cared less about the quality of food and water his or her slaves received, or the conditions they lived in. Slaves were given the worst of everything; which included contaminated water and the lowest quality food scraps. They were forced to eat and drink things that most of us today would refuse to consume.
Not too much has changed inside prisons that are operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ)
The only difference now is the “Massah” has been replaced by the prison Warden.
Recently, many family members and friends of incarcerated prisoners in Texas have noticed some impropriety coming from the TDCJ Ombudsman Office.
The ombudsman acts as a liaison between the public and TDCJ. When a family member or friend has a complaint about the conditions their incarcerated loved one are subjected to at one of the TDCJ 110 units, they rely on the ombudsman office to not only investigate the problem, but to resolve the problem - but something has gone WRONG!
Through an analysis of the ombudsman office’s performance, many free world activists and humyn as well as civil rights activists organizations have come to the conclusion that the ombudsman office is working in consort with the TDCJ prison officials to cover up or downplay many prison conditions which are deemed to be cruel and unusual as well as inhumane.
On the unit level, we have discovered that when people from the “outside” call the unit or inquire about the toxic water, deadly heat, or sub-par living conditions, prison officials have received a “green light” from TDCJ executive Bryan Collier to Lie and misinform the public about condiitons inside these slave kamps and gulags.
It is time we collectively come together in order to expose these liars and violators of the public’s trust.
I am committed to this work!
Will you help me?
Dare to struggle, dare to win!
All Power to The People!
Keith ‘Malik’ Washington
September 1, 2017
Subject: Protect The EARTH!
Revolutionary Greetings!
This is the Text for an upcoming You tube by Professor Justin Adkins.
Activists and Water Protectors will not be bullied or intimidated by
Billionaire Earth defilers and their cronies inside the Trump
(We must not be silent)
By Keith ‘Malik’ Washington & Justin Adkins
Revolutionary Greetings,
is I, Justin Adkins, and I have a very serious and urgent message to
delivery to you. Malik and I support and defend many causes, but there
are certain struggles and fights that have a higher priority to us than
such struggle is the fight to save our planet from imperialist
multinational corporations which exclusively deal in the extraction of
fossil fuels from the Earth. Comrade Malik and I are both
Environmentalists. I personally introduced Malik to this struggle.
couple of years ago, I ordered Malik a subscription to the Earth First!
Journal. That was before he was transferred to the Wallace Pack unit.
Pack is the Texas prison where Malik helped expose the presence of high
levels of arsenic in the water supply.
Victor Wallis Ph.D. showed Malik the connection between capitalism and
the destruction of our environment and in the water crisis in Flint,
Michigan. Malik and I believe all of us got an up-front and personal
look at what Environmental Racism looks like in Amerika - It’s Real!!
Malik performs his own studies and in depth analysis, and, as always,
he has something to say to you. I hope you will listen to the words of
my comrade and friend.
Comrade Malik says:
Revolutionary Greetings Comrades!
Transfer Partners!! Yes, let’s say it together, Energy Transfer
Partners!! The name tastes like a fat piece of cow dung in my mouth.
Imperialist Corporation is the chief developer of the Dakota Access
Pipeline, and they have filed a federal lawsuit against many of the
groups here in Amerika who are fighting hard to save our planet and
ensure safe and clean water supplies for future generations of humyn
beings and animals, as well as plants and trees.
Transfer Partners of Dallas, Texas, filed the complaint and it seeks
damages of no less than one billion dollars!! I will briefly give you a
list of some of the defendants who have been cited in the complaint:
Earth First!, the Sierra Club, Greenpeace International, Bank Track,
Bold Iowa, and Mississippi Stand.
lawsuit alleges environmental protection groups initiated campaigns of
misinformation to target legitimate companies and industries with
fabricated environmental claims and other purported misconduct,
inflicting billions of dollars in damage - Now this is a direct quote
from the USA Today - August 24th, 2017.
Now STOP! Let’s listen very carefully to the language these Earth defilers are using - they are saying that WE
are initiating campaigns of misinformation to target legitimate
companies and industries with fabricated environmental claims. Ok,
first of all, they are lying!! And I can prove it! But first we need to
fully expose their hidden agenda, because there is much more going on
here than meets the eye!!
Energy Transfer Partners of Dallas, Texas, seek to label us and
eco-terrorists in an effort to criminalize and silence our Free Speech
other words, they was us to allow them to destroy our planet, poison
our water supplies, pollute our air, and be quiet and watch while they
do it!!
And I say Hell NO! I’m not going to do THAT! What do you say?
I am a socialist/communist - I lean hard to the left and I am deeply
sympathetic to the Green Anarchist cause. I’ve been trained to apply a
scientific analysis when I encounter a problem. I seek out facts!! I
shut down my emotions in order to perform a concrete analysis of the
conditions around me. The timing of the lawsuit is very interesting and
I smell a RAT!
On its face, this complaint seeks to bully and intimidate
environmentalists. It seeks to cower us into silence. But I firmly
believe there is a SNAKE lurking in the background, and that dirty,
rotten, scoundrel has emboldened Energy Transfer Partners.
state today that Department of Energy Secretary, Rick Perry, the former
governor of Texas, is secretly promoting this attack on our free speech
In Rick Perry’s failed presidential bid, guess who was his number one donor? Really, I want you to take a guess. I’ll wait.
Give up? Ok, I’ll tell you; it was Kelay Warren, the CEO of Energy Transfer Partners! Are you Surprised?
you like to know how much Mr. Warren donated to good old honest Rick
Perry? Six million dollars!! Now listen to me, Mr. Warren got $4.5
million back after Rick Perry pulled out of the Presidential Race, but
that is not the only questionable connection our buddy Rick Perry has
with Energy Transfer Partners - there is more, much more!!
a financial disclosure form Perry filed in July 2015, Perry indicated
that his wife owned up to $15,000 in Energy Transfer Partners stock, and
about the same amount of stock in another pipeline company, Sunco
Logistics. Sunco Logistics is supposed to be the operator of the
pipeline that was being protested against at Standing Rock.
And I have some very interesting information about Sunco Logistics. According to Reuters, Sunco Logistics leads all of its competitors in spilled crude!!
And if anyone would to fact check any of my reporting, please go to the incredible news website
and find the article entitled: “Rick Perry, Tapped for Energy
Department, Has Multiple Ties to CEO of Controversial Pipeline Project”,
posted December 16, 2016 at Truth Out!!
who was it that said, “If you want to hide something from a black man,
put it in a book,”? Who the hell made up that saying? Whoever it was,
they hadn’t met me! Comrade Malik, the servant of the people!!
as I wrap up this YouTube video with my good friend, Justin, I must
encourage you to be more aggressive in the expose of these unsavory
relationships between fossil fuel corporations and highly placed members
of the Trump Administration.
please be more mindful that the U.S. Federal Government is waging a war
against those who seek to protect and preserve our planet. But more
urgently the Legislative Branch is overtly and covertly crafting laws
which criminalize our right to protest.
We need lawyers on our team!
We need environmental scientists on our team.
We need computer information specialists and technologists on our team!
and brothers, one of the reasons I am so passionate about this fight is
that poor people, and people of color like me, are being exploited and
abused by Rick Perry and his cronies in Dallas, Texas at Energy Transfer
you get time, I encourage you to read a brief article by David J.
Krajicek on Alternet (January 23, 2016) entitled, “7 Toxic Assaults on
Communities of Color Besides Flint: The Dirty Racial Politics of
Pollution”. The lead poisoning of the children in Flint is only the
latest example of environmental racism in the U.S.
comrades, there is strength in diversity. We must encourage and allow
more persyns of color inside our environmentalist ranks. Justin invited
me to the table, who will you invite?
Dare to Struggle, Dare to Win,
All Power to the People!