Sunday, April 8, 2018

Connect with your Incarcerated Loved One on JUNETEENTH!!

"Connect with your Incarcerated Loved One on JUNETEENTH!!!" 

By Keith ‘Malik’ Washington

Technology has deceived us into thinking that we’re more connected to people, when actually we’re less connected. Technology is a distraction from Real, True human connection, and LOVE. Mindfulness practices open our hearts and allow us to be more meaningfully connected. 
--Irene Au, Digital Designer, Yoga Instructor, and Mindfulness Practitioner (Mindful Magazine, April 2018)

Peace & blessings Sisters and brothers! I have an exciting announcement to make. Prison Abolition and Prisoner Support (PAPS) co-founder Azzurra Crispino and I are teaming up in order to make JUNETEENTH “National Write Your Incarcerated Loved One Day”!! And guess what?? If you don’t have an Incarcerated Loved One but would like to connect with a humyn being behind the walls and razor wire, we have a NEW Pen-Pal Program called ACC Pen-Pals! We will pair you with a humyn being who is in need of humyn contact.
If interested in connecting with a prisoner, email us at: and if you are interested in Abolition Work, visit: or visit my website: and look for our page: End Prison Slavery In Texas Movement.
Sisters and brothers, there are numerous activities being planned this year on June 19th: Rallies, Protests, Direct Actions and More. P.A.P.S. and I are intimately familiar and award of the true impact that prisons and mass incarceration have had on people in Amerika and beyond!! Families have been broken and torn apart, relationships ruined, and the ‘War on Drugs’ has imprisoned an entire generation of people of color and the poor! Azzurra Crispino and I have decided that we want to help heal people and bring people together!
Prison Slavery is Real! The toll that Mass Incarceration has had on our communities is real!! JUNETEENTH will be here before you realize it. PUT DOWN THAT iPHONE OR SMART PHONE FOR 5 MINUTES! Reflect on that Loved One you haven’t seen or spoken to in years, maybe even decades!! I challenge everyone to step out of your comfort zone and reach out to a fellow humyn being—make a connection! You may CHANGE a Life or very possibly, SAVE A LIFE!
There is a Movement sweeping the Nation!! Change is Coming!! There is an Opioid Crisis in Amerika! One Side offers Incarceration , Executions, and Death!! We offer Treatment, Rehabilitation, Love and LIFE! WHICH FORMULA DO YOU CHOOSE??
My name is Comrade Malik, I am leading a Prison Abolition Movement. Don’t allow the system to destroy your Family ties—reconnect Today.

Keith 'Malik' Washington is a humyn rights activist currently incarcerated in Texas. He is a co-founder and chief spokespersyn for the End Prison Slavery in Texas Movement. Malik is a proud member of the Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee (IWOC) and he is the Deputy Chairman of the New Afrikan Black Panther Party (Prison Chapter). Malik has been instrumental in calling for the abolition of legalized slavery in Amerika and is very active in the Fight Toxic Prisons campaign. You can view his work at or write him directly at:
Keith 'Comrade Malik' Washington
TDC #1487958
Eastham Unit
2665 Prison Rd. #1
Lovelady, Texas 75851

A note from Azzurra: the idea for Write Your Incarcerated Loved One Day was actually Kim Jarrett's, who has been a long time member of PAPS. Also, you don't have to put down your phone to write an inmate: use Flikshop, JPay or Corrlinks!

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