Sunday, April 8, 2018

Message from Comrade Malik (4/8/2018)

Peace & Blessings Sisters and Brothers!

For the past few months Leah and Azzurra of PAPS have been doing a lot to amplify my “Voice” and share some of my Journalism and Activist work with you.  In the past, I have received post-cards and letters of encouragement from some of y’all in the PAPS “Family” and I wanted to take this time to tell you how very much I appreciate your letters and cards as well as the moral support.  When corrupt and malicious Prison Administrators and TDJ employees think that a prisoner does not have any Free World support, they orchestrate coordinated campaigns to harass and retaliate against you.  Especially if you are involved in litigation or Humyn Rights Activism.  I do my best to live up to the expectations people have of me and for that reason I TELL THE TRUTH WHEN I REPORT ON CONDITIONS INSIDE THESE SLAVE KAMPS AND GULAGS.  The best example I can give you of that is my recent essay I did on the death of my friend Ben Larue.  I hope some of you were able to read it.  Maybe Leah will post the link for you?  The point I want to make is this:  Not all the employees of TDCJ are insensitive angry racist bigots.  A lot of these folks are caring humyn beings who have a job to do, and they try to treat us with dignity and respect.  I don’t agree with their choice in career paths but what if only the insensitive racist bigots worked for TDCJ?? With that said, prisoner rights advocates/Journalists like myself have a responsibility to be objective in our reporting, and YOU’RE THE CONCERNED CITIZEN AND ACTIVIST HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO CONFRONT THE TDCJ AND TEXAS LEGISLATORS WHEN WE TELL YOU WE’VE BEEN ABUSED, MISTREATED, OR HARMED FOR SPEAKING TRUTH TO POWER!!
And that leads me to my Topic of Saving Lives and Retaliation.  Recently, my comrade and friend Jason Renard Walker wrote some folks in the “Free-World” concerning the Murder of a prisoner at Ramsey 1 Unit located in Rosharon, Texas.  For those of you who don’t know, Ramsey 1 has a special program for Ad-Seg (Solitary Confinement) prisoners who are transitioning back into General Population.  The first phase of the program you are given a cell by yourself, then after about 30 to 45 days you go to the next phase and placed in a cell with another humyn being a cell-mate or “celly”.  I is the Job of the TDCJ Classification Department to pair prisoners who are compatible.  I ca tell you from person experience that sometimes TDCJ drops the ball horribly and pairs people up who should have never been placed in the same cell together.  For added context let me tell you that the cells at Ramsey 1 are extremely small.  Ramsey 1 is one of the oldest prisons in the TDCJ system.
As I said, Jason Walker wrote some folks about the murder of a prisoner named Kenneth Johnson who was 57 years old, his celly Alfred Brosig was 48 years old and serving a life sentence for Capital Murder!  Keri Blakinger of the Houston Chronicle wrote about the incident and something that Keri wrote really stood out to me—Keri said: “Staff called 911 and paramedics tried saving the slain man, authorities said.  He still had a radio-cord wrapped around his neck, fellow prisoner Jason Renard Walker wrote”.
Sisters and Brothers I will say this; Every employee that was involved in that incident from the Senior Warden on down should be fired or replaced RIGHT NOW!!
I understand the dynamic of “preserving a crime scene” I get that, but how can you be committed to SAVING A LIFE WITH THE DAMN CORD STILL WRAPPED AROUND THE PRISONERS NECK!!??  Prisoner Lives Matter!  And then to add insult to injury Jason R. Walker was subjected to a “Campaign of Harassment” for engaging in “Protected Conduct”.  This actually is a pervasive and systemic problem inside TDCJ facilities and with a “wink and a nod” High Ranking Prison Officials like Regio 1 Director Tony O’Hare actually promote, sanction, and condone this type of behavior which actually is highly un-ethical and ILLGAL!! Yes, it is against the LAW!  That is why I have filed A FEDERAL LAWSUIT AGAINST TDCJ because the same thing happened to me and has happened to hundreds of prisoners who have dared to file a grievance, write an essay or article or file a Lawsuit.  TDCJ HAS A PROBLEM AND WITH YOUR HELP WE CAN FIX IT!  I LOVE YALL! MORE LATER… Stay tuned!!
In Solidarity 4 Life
Brother Malik

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